Special Exhibition InformELLEs Women Artists and Art Informel in the 1950s/60s
Exhibitiondates: 11.10.2024-26.01.2025
Hessen Kassel Heritage
Neue Galerie
Schöne Aussicht 1
34131 Kassel
Open Air Concert "Iris Camaa and friends"
Open Air Concert in the courtyard of the Soshana Art Depot
Date: September 12th 2024 at 7pm
Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna
SCHEINY'S Concert at Soshana Art Depot
Date: 20.06.2024
Begin: 7.30pm
Donations welcome!
Since 2013 “Scheiny’s All Star Yiddish Revue”, presents a smorgasbord of Yiddish music. Deborah „Scheiny“ Gzesh and band, perform a repertoire ranging from traditional Yiddish songs, swing, contemporary klezmer, free jazz riffs and 50’s & 60’s shtick. Sounds from Belz to the Borscht Belt, Second Avenue, the Balkans and beyond.
Deborah “Scheiny“ Gzesh - Vocals
W.V. Wizlsperger - Bass
Paul Skrepek - Drums
Muamer Budimlić - Accordion
Thomas Berghammer - Trumpet
Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna
Art Performance im Soshana Art Depot
"7 Easy Tricks to manipulate your peeps in 40 minutes"
Datum: 20. Januar 2024 um 19.00 Uhr
Eintritt frei!
Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Wien
Literary Reading at the Soshana Art Depot
Date: 23th November 2023 at 6.00 pm
Erhard d'Aron reads from his latest novel "Bekenntnisse eines einfachen Landpfarrers"
Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Wien
on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Herwig Zens - in cooperation with Sothebys Austria, Live-Auction
Date: Wednesday, 15th November 2023
Kleine Galerie
Kundmanngasse 30
1030 Wien
Lecture by Malgorzata Oliwa
at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
honouris causa. History policies at (art) universities
Topic of the lecture: "On honouring and forgetting - questions of iconography and ideology in critical research-based art education"
honouris causa. History policies at (art) universities
Tuesday, 7th November 2023, 9.30-19.30
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Meeting room, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna
Exhibition at the Deutschvilla
"Zeit der Gaben"
Date: 18.08.2023 - 07.10.2023
Eva-Mazzucco Straße 7
5350 Strobl
End of Summer Party at the Soshana Art Depot
Iris Camaa & Gerald Gradwohl
Date: 14th September 2023 at 7.00 pm
Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna
Kleine Galerie
Soshana Solo Exhibiton
Vernissage: 30.05.2023 at 7pm
Dates: 31.05.2023- 30.06.2023
Kleine Galerie
Kundmanngasse 30
1030 Vienna
Soirée at the Soshana Art Depot
Date: 28.09.2022, 7pm- 9pm
Soshana Art Depot
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Wien
Exhibition Legenstein Vienna
Exhibition Dates: 22.06.2022- 06.01.2023
Legenstein & Partner
1010 Vienna
Exhibition Schellinggasse
"Collective Memory- Awareness over generations"
Vernissage: 06.05.2022 at 6.00 pm
Presentation of the Soshana film "Everywhere alone. The painter Soshana.": 10.05.2022 at 6.00 pm
Finissage: 14.05.2022 at 6.00 pm
opening hours: Mo-Thu 3.00-7.00 pm und Fr-Sun 12.00 -9.00 pm
Never at Home
Schellinggasse 13
1010 Vienna
"Frühlingserwachen- Wenn Farben formen"
Exhibition dates: .06. May 2022 - 19. June 2022
Opening: 06. May
Eva Mazzucco Straße 7
5350 Strobl am Wolfgangsee
Palais Palffy
adHoc Exhibition
Exhibition dates: .18.12.21, 22.12.21, 27.12.21, 04.01.22, 05.01.22
opening hours: from 11am to 4pm
Palais Palffy
Josefsplatz 6
1010 Wien
"Everywhere alone- The painter Soshana"
TV- Documentation about the painter Soshana from Werner Müller, Ulrike Halmschlager and Amos Schueller. (Recording 3sat: 11.12.2016)
Open Air Concert
"Iris Camaa and friends"
Open Air concert in the courtyard of the Soshana Art Depot
September 9th, at 7pm
Clementinengasse 24
1150 Vienna
"Von Geburt und Tod"
Eva Mazzucco Straße 7
5350 Strobl am Wolfgangsee www.deutschvilla.at
August 20th 2021 - Ocotober 3rd 2021
Opening: August 20th at 8pm
Centro Giacometti
Fondazione Centro Giacometti
Casa Piz Duan 1
7605, Switzerland
July 3, 2021 – August 31, 2021
Vernissage: July 3, 2021 at 3 p.m.
guest: Jon Domenic Parolini, minister of culture of Graubünden
Deutschvilla Strobl, Eva Mazzucco Straße 7
5350 Strobl am Wolfgangsee www.deutschvilla.at
Vernissage 26. Juni 2020, 20 Uhr
Opening speech: Director Ferdinand Götz
Open till October 17, 2020
Amart Galerie – Austrian Modern Art
Halbgasse 17, 1070 Wien
Vernissage March 5, 2020, 6-9 p.m.
Open till June 13, 2020 (Extended!)
Amart Galerie – Austrian Modern Art
Halbgasse 17, 1070 Wien
Vernissage January 30, 2020, 7-9 p.m.
Open till February 29, 2020
Shanghai Art Collection Museum
No. 1731 West Yan’an Road, Shanghai, China
From June 5 until June 26, 2019
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung
Bürglstein 1, 5360 St. Wolfgang im Salzkammergut
Vernissage April 25. 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
Nepal Art Now
Weltmuseum Wien, Heldenplatz,
1010 Wien
From April 10. 2019 at 7:00 p.m. until November 5. 2019
Kleine Galerie
Kundmanngasse 30, 1030 Wien
From January 23. 2019 at 7:00 p.m. until February 21. 2019
Opening speech by Ernst Woller
Soshana in Kitzbühel
Stadtgalerie Kitz-Art
Im Gries 21, 6370 Kitzbühel
From December 15. 2019 at 7:00 p.m. until January 15. 2019
Screening of the movie "Everywhere Alone. The Painter Soshana."
Goetheinstitut Shanghai
101 Cross Tower, 318 Fu Zhou Lu, Shanghai 200001, VR China
September 27, 2018
Soshana in Barcelona
Galerie ART nou mil.lenni
Carrer del Consell de Cent, 277, 08011 Barcelona
From September 14, 2018 until September 20, 2018
Soshana: Unforgettable
Kaiserstraße 76, 1070 Wien
Vernisage August 28, 2018
Exhibtion is open until September 8, 2018
Soshana. 60 Years of Colours.
Kunstraum Dr. David
Maurer Lange Gasse 47, 1230 Wien
Vernissage April 11, 2018, 6pm - 9pm; Opening speech by Otto Ressler
Exhibition is open until end of June 2018
Soshana in Venice
Made in Art Gallery Venice
Campiello Lavadori De Lana, Santa Croce, 270D, 30135 Venezia VE
Vernissage May 19, 2018, 6 pm
Exhibition is open until June 23, 2018
SOSHANA - Malerin und Weltensammlerin
BKS Bank,
Renngasse 6-8, 1010 Wien
Vernissage May 16, 2018; 6pm
Soshana – art and emancipation
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Martina Pippal, University of Vienna
Screening of the Movie "Everywhere alone. The Painter Soshana."
Austrian Cultural Forum London
28 Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1PQ, Vereinigtes Königreich
April 17, 2018; 7pm
Jubilee Year "Soshana 90 years":
Lecture by Prof.Dr. Martina Pippal und screening of the documentary "Everywhere alone. The Painter Soshana." in the Austrian Cultural Forums:
Lecture „Soshana – art and emancipation"
Prof. Dr. Martina Pippal, University of Vienna
Screening of the documentary
April 17, 2018, 7 pm
Austrian Cultural Forum London
28 Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1PQ, Vereinigtes Königreich
Event already took place in:
Moskau (01/11/2017)
Istanbul (02/16/2017)
New Delhi (11/14/2017)
Vernissage on November, 13th 2017 at Gallery Art Junction, New Delhi
Hotel The Lalit, Barakhamba Avenue Connaught Place New Delhi-110001
Exhibition opened from 11/13/17-11/19/17
„Soshana – art and emancipation"
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Martina Pippal (University of Vienna) und screening of the documentary "Überall alleine. Die Malerin Soshana"
11/14/17, 7 pm
Austrian Cultural Forum New Delhi
EP-13, Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Delhi 11021, Indien
04/17/18, 7 pm
Austrian Cultural Forum London
28 Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge, London SW7 1PQ, Vereinigtes Königreich
14.9.2017 at 7pm Vernissage at Lilly's Art Gallery Vienna
Plankengase 5, 1010 Wien
September 15 - September 30, 2017
Monday-Friday 10 am - 6 pm, Saturday 11 am - 3pm
Book presentation "SOSHANA. THE DIARIES.", by Amos Schueller and Karoline Riebler (Ed.)
Andrea Eckert read from the book, Cello Maria Kainz
Wednesday September 13, 2017, 7pm at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien
Entry Josefsplatz, 1010 Wien
Book presentation "SOSHANA. WORLDSCOLLECTOR", by Otto Ressler (Ed.)
Thursday, 27.4.2017, 7pm
Otto Ressler reads from the book
Soshana Art Depot, Clementinengasse 24 / EG, 1150 Vienna
Book presentation "SOSHANA", by Hannelore Fischer (Ed.)
Wednesday, 22.3.2017, 7.30 pm
Hannelore Fischer, Angelika Morosowa and Gerhard Dorfer read from the book
at Soshana Art Depot, Clementinengasse 24 / EG, 1150 Vienna
See photos of the Launch HERE
at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Istanbul
Thursday 16 th February 2017, 7pm
Köybaşı Cad. No. 44, Yeniköy, 34464 Istanbul
Lecture with Prof. Dr. Martina Pippal and Film Screening "Everywhere Alone. The Artist Soshana"
January 11st 2017, 7 pm, at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Petrovka Str., 25, Balnyi Saal
'Mouvement international pour un Bauhaus imaginiste'. The Imaginist Bauhaus
Duration of the exhibition: 10.12.2016-26.2.2017
A Cooperation of Kunsthall Oslo with Edvard Munch Museum Oslo
Soshana Picture- Depot, Clementinengasse 24, 1150 Vienna
September 27th 2016
Speech Prof. Angelica Bäumer
Danceperformance: Silke Grabinger "Soshana. I am OK"
Brazil Live-Music: Laurinho Bandeira (Brazil, drums), Iris Camaa (Austria, singer) and Fagner Wesley (Brazil, keyboard)
See photos of the opening HERE
Gallery Art Couture Dubai, UAE
April 15-29th 2016
Wikam Art Fair in Laxenburg 2016
Gallery Szaal, at Laxenburg Castle I Schlossplatz 1 I 2361 Laxenburg near Wien
April 09-17 2016
www.wikam.at I www.szaal.at
Art&Antique in Salzburg 2016
Gallery Lilly's Art, at Residenz Salzburg I Residenzplatz I 5020 Salzburg
March 19-28 2016
www.artantique-residenz.at I www.lillys-art.com
WIKAM Artfair Vienna 2016
Galery Szaal und Lilly's Art, at Künstlerhaus Vienna/ Austria
27 February - 6 March 2016
www.wikam.at I www.szaal.at I www.lillys-art.com
Art Artfair Vienna 2016
Gallery Lilly's Art, at Leopold Museum Vienna/ Austria
March 10 - 13 2016
www.art-austria.info I www.lillys-art.com
July 24th to August 30th 2015, Deutschvilla Strobl, Haus Nr. 84, 5350 Strobl at Wolfgangsee
Groupexhibition "Fear"
17th June to 3rd July 2015, with the 6AM Class of BG/BORG Perchtoldsdorf (Mag. Ingrid Mauthner)
Roseggergasse 2-4, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf. The exhibition takes place in the auditorium of the School
"Soshana. Festival: Bridges between generations"
April 12th 2015, Theater Nestroyhof/Hamakom, Nestroyplatz 1, 1020 Vienna
Soloexhibition and Presentation of the illustrated book Soshana: "I AM OK." blog with danceperformance by Silke Grabinger I Lection with Music "Soshana. A Viennese in Paris"- One Month from Soshana's diary by Hannah Hohloch and Maria Kainz (Cello) I The Documentaryfilm „Everywhere alone. The Painter Soshana"
WIKAM Artfair Vienna 2015
Galery Szaal und Lilly's Art, at Künstlerhaus Vienna/ Austria
April 18 - 26th 2015, 11 am - 7 pm
www.wikam.at I www.szaal.at I www.lillys-art.com
Art Artfair Vienna 2015
Gallery Lilly's Art, at Leopold Museum Vienna/ Austria
March 19-22th 2015
www.art-austria.info I www.lillys-art.com
WIKAM Artfair Laxenburg 2015
Gallery Szaal, Schloss Laxenburg Vienna/ Austria
March 14 - 22th 2015, 11 am - 6 pm
www.wikam.at I www.szaal.at
Art & Antique Artfair
Gallery Lilly`s Art, Vienna at the Hofburg in Vienna/ Austria
08.11. - 16.11.2014, daily 11 am - 7 pm
"Soshana. A Viennese in Paris"
September 9th-19th 2014 Gallery Szaal, Vienna/ Austria
"A Situation in Art in the 1950ies"
March 9th - July 5th 2014 Exhibition at the Galerie del Ponte, Torino/ Italy
Groupexhibition with Pinot Gallizio, Piero Simondo, Sandro Cherchi and Franco Garelli
"Soshana. A Viennese in Paris" One Month from Soshana's diary
September 10th 2014 at the Austrian National Library Vienna/ Austria (Premiere)
Lection with Music: "One Month" from Soshana's diary
See photos of the opening HERE
December 17th - 22nd 2013 Exhibition at the Al-Babtain Library Kuwait
See photos of the opening HERE
"Soshana Forever"
November 7th - 30th 2013 Exhibition at the Art Couture Gallery Dubai, UAE
See photos of the opening HERE
"Collecor of Worlds"
September 17th - January 15th 2014 Exhibition at the Galicia Jewish Museum Krakow, Poland
See photos of the opening HERE
"Night over Austria. The annexation 1938 - Flight and Expulsion"
March 7th - April 28th 2013 Exhibition at the Austrian National Library Vienna/ Austria
See photos of the opening HERE
"Soshana & Staudacher - Paris: ein Ausgangspunkt, zwei Künstler und zwei Lebenswege"
"Soshana & Staudacher. Informel meeting in Paris"
March 3rd - 10th 2013 at "Wikam", Künstlerhaus Vienna & until April 5th at Galerie Szaal
See photos of the opening HERE
National Museum Bahrain - Art Center
Jan. 28th - Feb. 6th 2013
See photos of the opening HERE
"I Am OK" Soshana’s new works – fresh, funky, expressive, and by no means old!
Curated by Leon Naffin and Hoa Luo.
plus: Screening of the film „Soshana“ by Cana Bilir-Meier and Julian Paul Stockinger
Nov. 30th 2012 GG68, Vienna/ Austria
See photos of the opening HERE
"Soshana - An Austrian artist in Paris"
Paintings from 1950 to 1960
on the occasion of the artist's 85. birthday
Oct. 18th - Nov. 3rd 2012 Gallery Lilly's Art, Vienna/ Austria
See photos of the opening HERE
Fluchtlinien. Arts and Trauma
Group Exhibition May 12 - 26
Artfestival SOHO in Ottakring, Vienna/ Austria
"Soshana Retrospective" Gallery Bollag, Zürich/ Switzerland
"The Comeback of the Old Spirits" with Soshana Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna/ Austria
Astry Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria
"100x100" for the occasion of the 100th birthday of the Gallery Bollag, Zürich/ Switzerland
Soshana receives the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art. The award was presented to her by Dr. Bernd Hartmann,
Austrian ministry of education, culture and art on May 27 in the Maimonides Centre in Vienna.
Gallery Prisma "Soshana-Lebenszeichen III", Vienna/ Austria
2. Sept. 2009
Soshana receives the Merit Award in Gold of the Province of Vienna/ Austria
Yeshiva University Museum, New York
National Bank von Serbien, Belgrad
Centro Cultural Isidro Fabela, Mexico City
The Yitzhak Rabin Hillel Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Jardín Borda, Instituto de Cultura de Morelos, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Österreichisches Kultur Forum Washington
Highgate Gallery, London
Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, Westbank
ARC Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Galleria Tondinelli, Rome/ Italy
Präsentation einer Sonderbriefmarke "Soshana" aus der Serie "Moderne Kunst in Österreich".
Festsaal der Generaldirektion der Österreichischen Post, Vienna/ Austria
Dada Rug & Art Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Mexikanisches Kultur Institut Wien
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung, Strobl, Austria
City Council of Lima
Pancho Fierro Art Gallery, Lima, Peru
Gallery Astry, Sofia
Galerie Prisma, Vienna/ Austria
Siddhartha Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal
Gallery Gora, Montreal, Quebec, Kanada
Agora Gallery, New York, USA
The Art Gallery, NSW, Australia
Givatayim Theater, Israel
2006 Book-Presentation, Jewish Museum, Vienna/ Austria
Soshana -"Lebenszeichen" 1950-2006 Galerie Prisma, Vienna/ Austria
2005 „SOSHANA“ Kompetenzzentrum, Wien/ Austria
2004 „Paulas Home“ Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz/ Austria
2003 "Paris 1945-1965" Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz/ Austria
2000 Galerie Prisma, Vienna/ Austria
Kanzleizentrum/Jewish Community Center, Salzburg/ Austria
Galerie Dumont 18, Genf/ Switzerland
1999 Lentos Museum, Linz/ Austria
Musée Matisse, Le Cateau-Cambrésis, Frankreich
1998 Palais Harrach, Vienna/ Austria
Lentos Museum, Linz/ Austria
1997 Retrospective, Palais Pálffy, Vienna/ Austria
Soshana Retrospective 1997 in Vienna
opened by first president of the National Assembly (Parliament) Dr. Heinz Fischer (left);
Walter Koschatzky (center) former director of the Albertina Museum; Soshana (right)
1996 Jewish Community Center, Vienna/ Austria
1995 Galerie Max Bollag, Zürich/ Switzerland
Fondation Lesur, Fresnoy le Graud, France
1994 Galerie Prisma, Vienna/ Austria
Musée Matisse, France
1993 Galerie Prisma, Vienna/ Austria
Mensch und Energie, Kunsthalle im Kongresshaus, Graz/ Austria
1990 Galerie Centre, Vienna/ Austria
Schloss Hollenburg, Krems/ Austria
ABC Galerie, Obernberg/Inn/ Austria
1989 Kunstmesse, Graz/ Austria
Dom Galerie, Wiener Neustadt/ Austria
1988 Galerie Prisma, Vienna/ Austria
Kunstmesse, Wien-Kursalon, Vienna/ Austria
Galerie Glueck, Wels/ Austria
1987 Galerie Prisma, Vienna/ Austria
Club Wien International, Vienna/ Austria
Kunstmesse, Wien-Marriott, Vienna/ Austria
Ronald S. Lauder, US-ambassador and Soshana at her exhibition 1987
1984 Galerie Christa Moering, Wiesbaden/ Germany
1982 Horizon Galerie, New York
Fagen Peterson Fine Art, Arizona
1981 Galerie Ruchti, Köln and Bonn/ Germany
1978 Randall Galerie, New York
1977 Pease Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida
Kirby Gallery, Houston, Texas
The Gallery 306, Balacynwyd, Pennsylvania
1976 Modern Art Centre, Zürich/Switzerland
1973 Old Jaffa Gallery, Israel
1971 Drian Gallery, London
Galerie du Vignoble, St. Saphorin
1970 Seilerstaette Galerie, Vienna/ Austria
1969 Modern Art Centre, Zürich/ Switzerland
Moos Gallery, Montreal
1968 Kunstgalerie, Essen/ Germany
1967 Ruth White Gallery, New York
Modern Art Centre, Zürich/ Switzerland
1966 National Museum of Modern Art, Mexico
Kiko Galleries, Houston, Texas
Valley House Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1965 Modern Art Centre, Zürich/ Switzerland
Galerie Wolfgang Gurlitt, Munich/ Germany
1964 Henry Gallery, Washington DC
Krasner Gallery, New York
Silvermine Guild of Artists, Connecticut
Salon des Grands et des Jeunes, Paris
Acapulco Hilton, Mexico
Verlé Gallery, Hartford, Connecticut
1963 Zaal C.A.W., Antwerpen
Galerie Presbourgh, Paris
Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Paris
Modern Art Centre, Zürich
Salon des Jeunes Peintres, Paris
O'Hana Gallery, London
1962 Musée Picasso, Antibes
Kunststube, Solothurn
Soshana, André Verdet and Picasso in Antibes, 1962
1961 Galerie de la Madeleine, Brüssel
Bodley Gallery, New York
1960 Galerie Barsinski, Rio de Janeiro
Museo de Arte, Sao Paolo
Mitsubishi Gallery, Tokyo
Modern Art Centre, Zürich/ Switzerland
1959 O'Hana Gallery, London
1958 Henry Lidchy Gallery, Johannesburg
Galerie Edouard Loeb, Paris
Modern Art Centre, Zürich/ Switzerland
1957 Modern Art Centre, Zürich
New Vision Centre Gallery, London
Imperial Palace, Peking
Hartert Gallery, New York
Soshana at her exhibition at Imperial Palace, Beijing, 1957
1956 Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Zürich/ Switzerland
1955 Galerie Rivère, Paris
1953 Galerie André Weil, Paris
1948 Circulo de Bellas Artes, Havanna