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Lection with Music "Soshana. A Viennese in Paris"- One Month from Soshana's diary will be performed by Hannah Hohloch and Maria Kainz (Cello)

Lection with Music "Soshana. A Viennese in Paris"- One Month from Soshana's diary will be performed by Hannah Hohloch and Maria Kainz (Cello)

Lection with Music "Soshana. A Viennese in Paris"- One Month from Soshana's diary will be performed by Hannah Hohloch and Maria Kainz (Cello)

2015 Hamakom, Hamakom 2015
14328 Montag, 20. April 2015 10:34 Montag, 20. April 2015 12:21